SmartGeoMetrics Acquires Nashville Office of Geophysical Data Management

Houston, Texas … (March 22, 2012) SmartGeoMetrics™, a division of SmartMultiMedia™, Inc., and Geophysical Data Management (GDM) announced that SmartGeoMetrics has acquired the High Definition Surveying /Laser Scanning and 3D Imaging division of GDM. This includes GDM’s Nashville office which will be added to SmartGeoMetrics’ growing footprint including offices in Houston, Texas and San Fernando, Trinidad, West Indies.
Additionally, Sam Billingsley, PLS, joins SmartGeoMetrics as Vice President of Business and Product Development. Billingsley has extensive experience in both traditional and High Definition Surveying and is well known in the industry through his many speaking engagements and weekly industry blog for SPAR View. Billingsley will continue to manage the Nashville branch in addition to his corporate responsibilities with SmartGeoMetrics. This acquisition will increase the service offerings in Nashville to include all of the services currently offered by SmartGeoMetrics.
Geophysical Data Management will continue to offer all of their other services including traditional land surveying and positioning services from their home office in Dallas, Texas.
The official press release can be found here.